A Special Seminar For Parents To Study Children's Brain, Body, Mind

2018/01/19 | コメント(0)  | トラックバック(0)  | 
ptna_20180111top.jpgPTNA will hold a special seminar for parents of competition's participants on March 1st in Tokyo. Shinichi Furuya, a brain scientist, will serve as a lecturer. According to Dr.Furuya, scientific evidences prove that parental support is very important for artists throughout their childhood. However, parents rarely have opportunity to learn what should do and should not do to their children. Sometimes, they unconsciously force their children to move their bodies much more than they can do, or say something that put excessive stress on children. He will talk about how children develop their brain, body, mind, aiming at sharing accurate information and vision to their families and society, and encouraging children to do creative expressions with free spirit.

There are a lot of episodes about parental supports. Here is a unique example. Last year, an 8-year-old-boy participated in the A1 grade, while her mother (PTNA family member) took part in the GrandMuse division for amateurs. He used to become nervous on stage, so her mother decided to participate and practice together for the competition. As a result, the boy got though the preliminary round and received the prize of Excellence at the regional final round. 

This year, for the first time, PTNA will offer a "learning notebook" as an appendix of the Competition Rules and Regulation Booklet 2018. Mitsuyo Esaki, the chairperson of the competition repertoire committee, says that stage performance is a great opportunity to see oneself objectively among other people. It is a great opportunity also for their parents to listen to various performances and refine their ears. This notebook is designed for them to make research on repertoires and composers, to consider how to express and play, etc. 
